Learn to avoid self-sabotage (overeating, procrastination, jealousy, etc.)

Dr.P. Madhurima Reddy MA, M.Sc., MEd, M.Phil., Ph.D., Ph.D. Hon.Doc, Hon. D. Litt Psychologist, Life, Business & Wealth Coach Peak Performance International Trainer NLP Master Practitioner Licensed (UK) Human Behaviour Sciences Expert International Best Seller Author Self-sabotage is a silent disruptor. It sneaks into our daily routines, derailing our goals and aspirations, often without us even realizing it. Whether it's overeating, procrastination, or jealousy, self-sabotaging behaviors can keep us trapped in a cycle of frustration and regret. But there’s hope! By recognizing these patterns and implementing effective strategies, you can reclaim control and achieve a fulfilling life. Dr. P Madhurima Reddy , an esteemed entrepreneur, psychologist, and peak performance trainer with over 26 years of experience, shares her insights on overcoming self-sabotage. Her mission, through La Winspire International Training & Solutions LLP ( www.lawins...