Importance of mental, physical and psychological health

Importance of mental, physical and psychological health


Dr. P. Madhurima Reddy

MA, M.Sc., MEd, M.Phil., Ph.D., Ph.D.

Psychologist, Life & Business Coach Peak Performance International Trainer NLP Master Practitioner Licensed (UK) 


In today's world, we are consumed by so many things like social media, hectic work schedules and the latest addition are the lockdown blues and it is a task to keep our spirits high, every morning. In today's time and age, where we live in a world where even breathing free air is restricted and people operate remotely, with the same 4 to 5 people in contact.

Being alone does not necessarily mean you are lonely and people being surrounded by their tribe does not mean they are always happy. Everyone is fighting their own battle, here's how we begin our journey of compassion, by empathizing with people around us.


How would you react if we tell you, your mental and physical health are interconnected, shocked? surprised or in denial? Well, it is true that these two are connected. When you catch yourself stressing about something, feeling anxious or sad, always grab your workout gear and push yourself to do a quick workout, as physical exercise increases the production of norepinephrine, a chemical that is produced to improve your mood, by moderating your brain's response to any intense feelings. Physical activity helps you stay focused and in the moment, this explains how it is absolutely right when they say 'An idle mind is a devil's workshop'. Keep yourself occupied and energized every now and then, to make it a part of your lifestyle.

 Physical and mental health is indeed a lifestyle and not an activity you carry out every day. When you are mentally in the right space and pace, it shows in everything you do, your work improves, your relationships blossom, your finances grow ten-fold and you are living the life you had envisioned.


You can probably ask us, how is it possible for someone to stay happy all the time? Good question, but let us tell you, one cannot stay happy all the time. Being sad is as normal as any emotion. We humans have a magical brain that is wired to act and react according to our thoughts, if you want the desired outcome, stay optimistic, believe it will happen to you. Everybody's energies drop, everybody fails, everybody's life has bumps, all that matters is how we look past it and to do that having an optimistic lifestyle helps.


When you focus on improving your mental and physical health, your physiological health is automatically in a good condition. Yes, it could be difficult and some things could even be life-wrecking but always remember every day has only 24 hours, even the bad days. Believe that the next day will be better than the previous day.


Here are a few do's for a healthy lifestyle : 

     Early to bed and early to rise:

Yes, these have immense benefits and waking up and spending time with yourself is the best way to start the day, rather than waking up and rushing to work.


     Have a work-life balance :

With the work from home scenario, it has become a toil to have a work-life balance, but consider your health to be as important as your boss's work. Take a break after 8 hours of work and focus on your physical health.


-     Practice any kind of physical activity :

We cannot emphasize more on the importance of physical activities, if you want to moderate your mental health, start with your physical health. A change in your body is sure to make a change in your mental and physiological health. 


     Spend time with nature

Take a break from your busy schedule and listen to the birds chirping, the pattern and colours of the skies, the raindrops etc. There is nothing more therapeutic and calming than nature.


Finally, we want to conclude by saying, your health is your true wealth and we could not have realized it better this year, always make time for your health and the rest will follow.


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